The reality of Brexit is now sinking in fast.
But here’s the oddest thing. The UK government is negotiating to leave the EU, just so they can negotiate another arrangement with the EU to give us as much as possible of what we’ve already got, but on considerably inferior terms.
If we don’t get what we want (i.e. the EU benefits we desperately want back after we’ve left), the government has said it will crash out of the EU without any agreement, plunging Britain into deep economic crisis.
Does it make any sense? No, it doesn’t.
The EU is the world’s largest free trade area. As a member, we receive huge benefits worth enormously more than the net annual membership fee of £7.1 billion a year.
As a member, we enjoy free, frictionless trade with our biggest trading partner by far, right on our doorstep, where almost half of our exports go to and over half of our imports come from. Nowhere else in the world comes close to that.
The UK government is desperate to continue to enjoy similar membership benefits of frictionless trade with the EU after we have ended our membership, because they know that our economy’s survival depends on it.
In Parliament last month, Theresa May said:
“We’re committed to delivering on our commitment of no hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, and ensuring we have as frictionless trade as possible with the European Union.”
Everything we’ve already got.
But the UK government has also said it wants to continue to enjoy these EU membership benefits after Brexit:

It’s not going to happen. Mrs May knows this.
Before the referendum she said clearly and persuasively:
“It is not clear why other EU member states would give Britain a better deal than they themselves enjoy.”
Yet that’s exactly what Mrs May now wants. She says she aims to achieve a new trade agreement with the EU that’s unique to us, that no other country in the world has ever achieved.
Of course, it’s not going to happen.
What’s the point of a club if you are going to allow non-members to enjoy the same or better benefits as members? What club allows that?
So here’s the bottom line. Britain needs frictionless trade with the EU. We need free movement of goods, services, capital and people for our country not just to survive, but to thrive.
We need to continue with the status quo: the arrangement we have now.
Has this sunk in yet?

This is complete and utter madness. It will be much better to just keep the current arrangement. It will be cheaper, and we will all be better off.
As an EU member:
① We have a say and votes in the running, rules and future direction of our continent.
② We have full and free access to the world’s largest free marketplace.
③ We enjoy the right to live, work, study or retire across a huge expanse of our continent.
④ We enjoy state healthcare and education when living and working in any other EU country.
⑤ We enjoy free or low-cost health care when visiting any EU nation.
⑥ We are protected by continent-wide rights that protect us at work, when shopping and travelling.
⑦ We benefit from laws that protect our environment (and have, for example, directly resulted in Britain’s beaches being cleaned up).
⑧ We enjoy excellent EU trade agreements with around 60 countries, with more on the way, on advantageous terms that Britain is unlikely ever to replicate.
So, we’re going to throw that all away, just so we can get an inferior arrangement with the EU, in which we’d still have to agree to the rules of EU trade (over which we’d have no say) and we’d have less access to our most vital customers and suppliers outside of our home market.
And what are we gaining? Surely something?
No. All the reasons given to leave in the referendum were based on lies and false promises. There are no good reasons to leave.

We are leaving for no good reason, not one. We are paying around £40 billion (money the UK has agreed we owe to the EU) to settle our debts with the EU, to enable us to have an inferior deal.
We will be poorer, and with less sovereignty, fewer rights and protections, restricted trade, and diminished power after we’ve left.
What’s the point? There’s no point. The country really has gone nuts.
Other articles by Jon Danzig:
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